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“I can only say thank you, thank you for Being.  Your unbounded love, care and patience in guiding me to who "I" really am are the best gifts I could ever receive”  …  A.L.


“A beautiful retreat!  Thank you so much for sharing.  It’s so nice to lose this mind and gain infinity”  …  P.B.



“Thank you for 'Being' and for being such great embodiments of Being.  We feel so blessed that you have not only led the way but are so generous in lighting the way for us.  Our time together was a heart opening, expansive, blissful, loving, joyful and priceless coming home.  Looking forward to sharing ever expanding waves of joy and bliss in the ever increasing recognition/remembrance of Self as ALL.”  …   A.F.


"How does one put into words That which has none.  Thank you for guiding me to this dance of Light.  It is my dearest wish to be here again and again."  ... L.C.


“These retreats are such a treat, such a present, presence and silence.  I appreciate it all so much.  Thank you with all my heart for your divine, loving attention."  ...  R.M.


“Thank you deeply for this opportunity to just Be - in silence, rest, and alertness.  I am humbled by your brilliance and eloquence and inspired by your compassionate gift to us.  What an honor it is to be here.”  …  P.W.



“It was such a joy … with gratitude for the gift of Everything”  …  B.R.


“No words are good enough to express how wonderful the retreat was…. the seeds that Self plants in all of us through your words continue to grow and sprout in marvelous, surprising ways ... the surrender of all to All, moment by moment, becomes the only way to live.”  …  M.L.


“Thank you for your unbounded loving guidance. ...May you bless this earth with a long life and may the bliss consciousness be our blessing forever.” … E.I.“



“Thank you so much for the incredible retreat and for your continued gift of "Being talking to Being"!  The Silence and Bliss are more powerful than ever and I feel deeply grateful for this opportunity to go deep into the Self and to start to feel and see it moving into the "relative".  It was great to see you both in the cosmic flesh, and to feel the joy that you radiate!”  ...   T.F.



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"Thank you again for your presence, kindness and generosity. ...This has been such a sweet experience and I look forward to the next gathering." ... K.F.

"What can I say? - the universe is unfolding - always enjoy a dip into Reality." ... A.W.

"This gift of being Awake that you both so graciously bestow by your presence and Beingness, is the highest and best gift one could ever wish or hope to receive... I am honoured and humbled to be here, and look forward to many more.".... G.B.

"May more and more people have and take the opportunity to get to know who they truly are through you two.  You are a safe place to be in. You take us with so much grace and love.".... A.L.

"Once again, the love that you both radiate so clearly and abundantly had been received with gratitude and, hopefully, shared as generously.  Awareness of Self is so clear while in your presence and in the company of this magnificent united family." ... M.L.

"Thank you for hosting such a wonderful expedition into Silence and re-cognition of the Self.  It continues to grow in its enjoyment and participation in Its Self."....  M.S.



"Thank you for everything that you do for all of us who wish to awaken.  I feel fortunate to have been in the presence of yourselves and all these enlightened beings."... A.P.


"Just being with such an awake group seems to be all it takes to accelerate growth.  Thank you.”  … D.B.



"The opportunity that you give us is invaluable.  I will forever be grateful to you two." ... S.L.​



"We are so grateful that you have blessed us with your Presence.  We have had a profound and delightful experience this weekend, one I could never have imagined having. Thank you for your love and compassion and for your patience and understanding"...  B.P.



"Thank you for this beautiful opportunity to listen to Self more deeply.  The silence at this retreat has been profound.... deepening the Self within itself.  The Self that "I" am, experienced expansion and a deepening of joy and bliss.... Words cannot express the deep gratitude that "I" would like to express.".... S.W.


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